Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5th-- Day 2

So for dinner tonight I was planning on making the Terriyaki Chicken But I forgot to marinate the chicken lol. So I made Chicken strips instead. Who knew that tossing a couple spices in with flour and shacking the chicken strips in them would make such a tasty meal. Every day it surprises me how tasty these meals are with just the simplest of recipes. I also made a homemade White lemon sauce that complemented the chicken so well. To be completely honest, I don't think I will be wanting to cook this meal again. Although it was definitely tasty and light, I just think I have had my fill on Chicken strips for a long time. I think in America its some what of a comfort food and we tend to over eat these kinds of foods. I am really excited to experiment more with exotic and interesting dishes that are a little more challenging. For those of you that are reading my posts, If you would like to recommend a cook book that would be a good one to cook through with a variety of recipes I would love to hear them. I am planning on cooking through a new book and following the theory that Mr. Beard has. Unfortunately this is all I have to write today. Tomorrow I think we will be cooking a Fish Dish :-)

Signing Out-- 9:06

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