Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3rd, 2010--- Creation

What a great Idea Julie had when she created a blog about cooking through Julia Child's cookbook. I had one of those "Why didn't I think of that" moments when watching the movie for the first time today. I was so inspired that I decided to take on the challenge myself. When deciding who's cook book I wanted to use I did some research on famous chef's, who one way or another, Impacted the way Culinary is done today. So all our famous cooks came and were inspired, not surprisingly, from France and French Cuisine. After doing some research, I have come to the conclusion that I will be attempting to cook through the one and only James Beard's book "James Beard's American Cookery". James was born May 5th, 1903 and died January 21st, 1985 at the age of 81. He left his mark in Culinary history and surprisingly enough, Julia Child found some inspiration in him. I will be picking up my book tomorrow and I can't wait to start blogging. I hope I find as much fun in this as Julie did when she blogged about Project Julie/Julia.

At 17 years of age I had my first job working in a Kitchen preparing food and creating fruit trays. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a side of dishes too. :-) Cooking is such a big passion of mine, I sometimes wonder why I wasn't more proactive about making it my life. I am so excited to be taking on this challenge and CAN NOT wait to start day one of this year long journey.

Now, I know my blog may go unnoticed and not amount to much. Certainly nothing like Julie's did. But I find true pleasure in challenging myself on such a level. Plus, I know my Husband will love a home cooked meal every night ;-). I am so eager to get started and understand Culinary through James Beard's eyes. Here's to a year of cooking!

To my readers-- Thank you so much for following me and finding such interest in my new found challenge. I hope to grab your attention and interest as each day passes.

Signing out--- 7:39pm

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